hubermedia documentation 2015 html
Prefixes - Geo
Field Type Sort Sample Description
zip Query.Standard Yes


sort=zip asc

 Search for a postal code.

city Query.Standard Yes


sort=city asc

 Search for place names.

street Query.Standard Yes


sort=street asc

Search for a street name.
country Query.Standard Yes


sort=country asc

 Search by country. Please use 3 digit ISO code (ISO 3166-1 ALPHA 3).

area Query.Standard No


 Search for a touristic region. The available areas vary per project and region.

lat Query.Double No

q=lat:[48.5 TO 49.0]

Specifying the latitude range to be searched. Range is required [48.1 TO 49.0].

This prefix is an alternative to the parameter NWLatitude and &SELatitude.

Useful only in conjunction with the lon- prefix.

lon Query.Double No

q=lon:[12.1 TO 12.5]

Specifying the longitude range to be searched. A range is required [12.5 TO 12.9].

This prefix is an alternative to the parameters &NWLongitudeand &SELongitude

Only in conjunction with thelat-prefix.



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